Services provided by Climate-Lab include:

1) Climate-Lab provides a knowledge base to evaluate and benchmanrk mitigation and adaptation strategies based upon the available scenarios (regional, local, urban, building scale).

2)Climate-Lab contributes to provide site specific data bases aimed at local climate evolution assessment based upon IPCC (or others) scenarios.

3) Climate-Lab supports brain storming and benchmarking for study of climate change effects worldwide, at different spatial scales.

4) Climate-Lab provides support for assessment of energy strategies, planning of natural resources as linked to climate evolution as set out by observations, models and scenarios.

5) Climate-Lab develops methodologies, and protocols for stakeholders, public and private institutions, in need of know-how corcerning climate change at the European, and worldwide scale.

6) Climate-Lab supports personnel of the Atheneum to substantiate interdisciplinary and interdipartmental activity Politecnico as pertaining to recent joining with the Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici CMCC, so strenghtening the effort of Polimi in the study, mitigation and adaptation to climate change